What’s New in The Leveson Centre
10 Jul 2023
The Leveson Centre has taken some great strides over the last few months as our resources continue to expand.
Since beginning in late March, our free sessions of complementary therapy for those affected by cancer have proven to be so successful that we’re bringing on a second therapist!
(Image description: Complementary Therapist Alethea performing reflexology.)
Complementary therapy has been found to promote relaxation, reduce anxiety and insomnia, ease nausea and fatigue, and help you find your own coping mechanisms. Our new complementary therapist will allow more sessions to be booked for cancer patients who wish to receive treatment, as well as offering additional therapies on top of what Alethea is currently providing.
Along with our new complementary therapist, we are also pleased to welcome Karen, an Occupational Health Nurse and Chartered Psychologist. Karen volunteers her time in the Centre on Fridays between 10:30am and 2pm, offering appointments for cancer patients looking to return to work post-treatment. These sessions are free of charge and open to anyone who would like advice on resuming work.
(Image description: Therapy dog Luna in The Leveson Centre.)
Cancer patients and their loved ones can also find the services of Rebecca, a Chartered Clinical Psychologist, and her therapy dog Luna at The Leveson Centre. Rebecca has over 13 years post-Chartership experience of working with children, teenagers and adults in the NHS and private sectors.
Collaborating with York Against Cancer, Rebecca offers a psychological service to adolescents with a family member going through cancer diagnosis/treatment. This service is accessed via the family member’s Clinical Nurse Specialist or Medical Consultant within the York Cancer Centre, York Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
(Image description: Group of people sitting around table in The Leveson Centre.)
If you have a friend or family member living with cancer, you may benefit from attending our Family & Friends Support Group in The Leveson Centre. Come along and meet other people in similar situations and gain some useful advice as the group covers topics like benefits and financial advice, well-being tips and more in a comfortable environment.
The group’s first meeting took place at 6pm on Thursday 15th June; following meetings will be 13th July, 10th August, 7th September and 5th October. If you would like to attend, please email or call The Leveson Centre in advance to make sure there are plenty of refreshments to go around!
We look forward to adding more resources to The Leveson Centre’s timetable as it continues to grow. The Centre is open 9am-5pm Monday-Friday; feel free to pop in for a cuppa and a chat or make use of one of our services.
To get in touch, call 01904 202647 or email support@thelevesoncentre.org.uk.