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York Against Cancer Jumble Sale

06 Feb 2023

Jumblies jumble sale staff and volunteers, York Against Cancer jumble sale, community jumble sale, charity event

Where & When

Date: Saturday 15th April

Time: Helpers at 1pm, Buyers at 2pm

Location: Sheriff Hutton Village Hall

We are excited to announce our York Against Cancer jumble sale being hosted by Jumblies this April.

The sale will have a range of generously donated items from the local community, along with refreshments and baked goods. A tombola will be set up in the hall with exciting prizes available!

We are looking for volunteers to help us run the stalls, arriving one hour before the sale begins.

If you are interested in volunteering, donating jumble sale goods and prizes or providing baking for the event, please get in touch with us at

Read more about Jumblies here.