Clinical Nurse Specialist
Every patient with diagnosed cancer is assigned a CNS, otherwise known as a keyworker. Some of these keyworkers will be specialists in the particular kind of cancer you have (part of the Multi-Disciplinary Teams – see below). Others will be coordinators who can help you with general queries.
You can call upon your CNS at every stage of your treatment, including:
- Your initial diagnosis
- Throughout your treatment
- Post-treatment recovery
- If your cancer returns.
The CNS team is there to help you, your relatives and any carers with essential information. They will also run tests and give you all the available treatment options, including any associated risks or side effects. You can also ask your CNS for help with:
- Mental health issues such as confidence and relationships
- Managing side effects and symptoms of different cancer treatments
- Referrals to services such as complementary therapies, benefits and financial support
- Moving on with life after cancer.
Your Multi-Disciplinary Team
The Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) is responsible for dealing with specific cancers – for example, you might see a prostate cancer health care team or breast cancer health care team. You may meet some of these individuals during your initial treatment, or have the chance to ask them questions later on.
Members of these teams include:
- Consultants – those who can advise you on the best treatment,
- Radiologists – imaging, specialists in using radiology to diagnose/monitor illnesses,
- Radiologists – therapy, specialists in delivering radiotherapy treatment,
- Pathologists – those who will monitor your progress and changes to your cancer.
The Multi-Disciplinary Team at York Hospital regularly run team meetings via AV link with Leeds Hospital, where radiotherapy treatment is offered. These meetings include discussions about upper gastrointestinal cancer and pancreatic cancer, as well as referrals for liver cancer.
Here to help
Whether it’s information, advice or just a listening ear, you can count on your healthcare team to get you through your treatment. Please get in touch with us if you’re not sure who best to speak to about your treatment call 01904 764466.
Need to contact us?
Call us on 01904 764 466 or email and one of our friendly team will be happy to help.